Princesses & Dragons: Kids Singing Exploration!

“Enthusiastic and encouraging at every step!”
Move, groove, and sing with new friends while exploring the fundamentals of healthy singing technique, music theory, and performance skills. Don your best royal attire (dress-up optional!) while singing songs from your favorite movies and learning brand new songs that you’re sure to love. You won’t be able to wait for your next talent show!

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The Curriculum

  • Build the foundation for a lifetime of joyful singing! Students will learn healthy and age-appropriate singing techniques, including breathing exercises, efficient singing, and proper articulation and expression.

  • Learn the building blocks of musical notation while having fun exploring new and familiar music. Students will learn to identify dynamics, tempo markings, articulation markings, and rhythmic markings all while applying these concepts to their own singing.

  • Sight-sing with confidence thanks to Solfege! Brittany will guide students through fun and engaging challenges to develop foundations of Solfege (Do, Re, Mi, etc.) singing. This is an essential and unique component of singing success.

  • Practice the many skills of learning and polishing a song, including: learning melodic notes; learning rhythms; memorizing lyrics, interpreting lyrics; applying vocal techniques; and bringing the song to life, of course!

  • Take the stage with confidence wherever you go! By the end of the class, students will learn and perform two brand new songs to sing around the house, in the car, and even at the school talent show! We’ll share sheet music and accompaniment tracks, so you can take the show on the road!

  • Make new friends from around the world! Collaboration is a key element of singing and is a central component in our kid’s classes. Students will get to know one another, share ideas, and sing together each week.

The Details

Ages 7-10
Maximum Class Size: 6 Singers
February 15 to March 29, 2023
Wednesdays, 4:30pm-5:30pm ET/3:30pm-4:30pm CT/1:30pm-2:30pm PT
There will be no class on March 15.
A quiet, comfortable, and connected space of your choice.
The Zoom Meeting link will be sent before the first class.

Register Today!

“WD Studio teaches technical skills in a gentle way that my seven year old son really enjoys.”

Brittany Martin is praised for her expressive performances whenever she takes the stage. An enthusiastic performer, Brittany brings this same energy and intention to the voice studio.

She is inspired by how singing empowers everyone to connect more deeply to themselves and others, and she has fostered musical growth in singers in elementary to high school classrooms, collegiate choral ensembles, church choirs, and private lessons.

Meet Brittany