Singing with Allergies
I walked outside last weekend to see a light green layer of pollen coating my car, and I knew–allergy season is upon us!
Much like cold and flu season, allergy season can present a host of challenges for singers.
Here are five quick tips and tricks for dealing with common allergy symptoms:
1: Drink plenty of water
This will help to break up mucus in your throat and keep your voice hydrated if you’re taking antihistamines, it can also help limit coughing. As always, water is a singer’s best friend!
2: Take a hot shower before you sing
Steam can help clear your sinuses, calm a cough, and leave your voice feeling more hydrated. It may help you clear any mucus on your throat more easily, too.
3: Try a sinus rinse
These may alleviate some symptoms of congestion and clear that extra “gunk” out of your nose and nasal passages. (Be sure to check with a doctor before trying a new medical remedy.) Our favorites are over-the-counter, non-medicated saline sprays.
4: Rest when needed
While you can sing with most allergy symptoms, be sure to pay attention to when your voice needs rest. Coughing and drainage can cause extra inflammation, so your voice may need more frequent breaks.
5: Sing with energy and flowing breath
Even if you’re battling allergy symptoms, aim for an energized flow of breath to support your singing. Accessing your best vocal technique when you’re under the weather will keep you healthy and confident. We may not even hear your allergies!
Written by Brittany Martin